Wednesday, February 27, 2008

corruption is a piece of shit...

how do we define corruption?
how do we define bribery?

i define corruption as a tree that's rotten from within. no matter how much water you showered it will rot. no matter how much touch-up you made, it's still's just a matter of time before it corrupt and fall to the ground.

i define bribery as a reflection of inferior complex. an excuse to give benefit to someone who does not deserve in order to cover our own deficiency. it is an mental desease of allowing ourselves to believe that we're merely "helping" people who in "need". a true denial of our own strengths & talents.

i call it a token when it doesn't affect me and others.
i call it an act of taking advantage of the poor when it affects our basic needs.
these are the foundation of greed.
it's truly disgusting.
how do we curb this desease?
...................................... the only way is when we start to believe in our own strengths & start acknowledging others' talents. but it's a far fetch dream...

i hate corruption.
i hate bribery.
but i'm a culprit of my own detest act sometimes.

i do have a choice but i choose to deny my right sometimes.
the excuse is simple.
i need to survive.
i need to feed others who need me.
it could be just an excuse to console myself.
but i sincerely hope, i can stop this, the moment the sunrise tomorrow.

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