Wednesday, July 1, 2009

a thief falls flat...

i woke up at 12.30 a moment ago, was very tired today due to the build up of numerous days of lack of sleeps. still stoned and blur, but i had to wake up cos i need to walk my husky boy. he has been holding on his bladder for whole day, ya, he's a bit of a clean freak. he will only pee outside of the house.

while walking out of my house i notice a huge black patch on my garden, i thought it was a new breed of weeds! i moved closer then only to realize that it was a dead kitten?! nope, it was a giant-size rat?! nope, it was a black squirrel?! what the hell was that?!

after doing some research and chatting with my neighbour we concluded that it was a musang or also known as asian palm civet or common palm civet or toddy cat (although it's not a cat species) and 'luwak' or 'luak' in indonesian, 'motit' in philippines and 'uguduwa' in sri lanka. a local menace that loves to climb the roof, steal food from homes and attack chicken farms.

cos' we have noticed some noise above our roof for the past few days, some rather large creatures were running above us. they even urinated on his roof and leaked through his ceiling into his bedroom! it certainly not a cat, cat would only pee at their usual spot. and not a rat, rat would not have this much of urine, that will leak through the ceiling... but we'll never know if this rat has huge bladder ;)

hang on, do you know there is 'kopi luak' in indonesia & 'motit coffee' in philippines made out of the coffee beans pass through their system undigested? hmm....

- notice the tail is almost 1.5 times of the body size -

- poor fella -

this is how a thief died, we concluded that this cute little fella, a baby civet fell off the roof and onto my garden. it was still 'soft' while i tried to wrap it with papers, so we suspected it died not more than 2hrs ago.

- look at its palm, it's chimpanzee-like. soft & thick -

and, this could be another reason how a thief died. he was trying to steal food or he could have had a 'cat-fight' with his other brothers & sisters over his mother's milk, and got thrown out of the roof...

- may you rest in peace, and never need to steal again in your next life -


  1. What is that?! It's deffinately dead but.. what kind of animal?

  2. is an asian palm civet. a fox-like animal. face like a rat. they can climb very well, but i guess this one fell off the roof. they are known to be a 'thief' :P
