Monday, January 12, 2009

2009... a myth in making...

i've been busy, really busy with sleeping for the past 2 months ;)

2008 was great, more ups than down, but when it reach the year end, downs is more that ups... every where is being hit by the financial swirl and i'm not spared from it. so i chose not to doing anything about it or rather i just chose to be in denial of the fore coming swirl.

but nonetheless, life is still good, simply because i'm happy.

2009 has been predicted by most that will be a very challenging year for most. i think the same too. i fore casted the worst is yet to be seen this coming year. i hope i'm wrong.

but nonetheless, so whatever it comes, i shall take it with a smile ;)

cos simply, i've a new love in life, a new goal, a new unprecedented project, a very important idea that i intend to give my full concentration to. something that i love, something that i've been thinking since many years ago. and i think it's time to embark on it. well, since the financial turmoil is hitting my industry badly. what to do....? advertising is always the first hit when global economy slows down. so what if you're the best brand strategist in the world? sometimes i wonder why do i love advertising so much? i should have become a pilot when i had a chance, a driver surrounded by many beauties is not a bad idea. but i missed the age group already ;)

so i'll be launching something fun this year, after chinese new year. lots of preparation needs to be done now...hmm... i'm just simply excited ;)

and ooh... happy new year to all ;)