Wednesday, January 17, 2007

when we view religion with logic..

I've been living in exile recently, feeling drifted from reality everyday. From everything that I own to things that I thought I have. Sometimes people falls from the highest peak they thought they were. Finding hard to pick themselves up from where it was left. I believe everyone needs to fall, and fall badly at least once in their lifetime or their life will just be monotonous & colourless. Though it's painful sometimes but it's worth it at the end. Cos' the next time we climb we could be at a higher peak. However, there are things that we probably can't get people seek god's help, so I was told.

I've always been a believer of non-believer. Believe there's always a possibility in all impossibilities. I always try to find an answer to everything & anything but if you ask me, do I believe in god exist? I really don't have the answer.

I'm a 21th century man. I believe in science & logic. I believe in problem & solutions. So do i knee down and pray when I hit the wall? I don't. Do i seek god's help? I don't. I wonder sometimes do god create man or man created god? Everyman needs a pillar in their life...this has been a pattern since men saw sunrise & sunset and got lost in the night. They started to seek for an answer to this phenomena and the only answer they got, well at the beginning of the centuries what did the human know anyway? A (group) extraordinary man was there to test them & torture them was probably their only reasonable answer. Furthermore they had dreams, interestingly, human start to have dream even before they actually know they do. And dreams became their only answer to everything. Hence, ultra-believers emerged.

Now, we do know that we dream every night and some dreams were a bit extraordinary. The person that talks to us in our dreams, are they god? I know you would most definitely say no. But interestingly, the people before the centuries believed it was god who spoke to them. Well, at least, that is how we have our
religions. Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc...weren't all these "religions" started by dreams?

Should we still pray or should we just sleep early and hope for more dreams and "answers"? If today, one man came to you and said, "God spoke me and told that everything man has done is wrong, and I'm your next messiah. I'll lead you to the right path." What would you do? I bet, 99.99% will think this man is a lunatic and the more "educated ones" would probably think he's a schizophrenic. What if there is one man who believes him, and follows him, then two then four, then eight, then this time... we'll call them a
Cult (?!) This is such a deja vu...isn't it this is how a new religion began? I believe, the greatest Public Speakers are the Messiah...wrong, not the preacher...the Messiah. Cos' he ( I wonder why there was never a female Messiah...was the God a sexist? Or were we in the era that women's opinion is not "justifiable"?) was able to convince you that there's God :) He was able to convince you to believe something that you're not able to see, feel or touch. You may say, He spoke to you...are you sure is a He not Her? And are we sure the voice is not from our own? If Schizophrenia was recognized more than 3000 years ago, would there still be God? So did we speak to Him or ourself?

Let's just say, there's a God (I meant "a"). He is almighty, he is the most powerful "being" in the universe...He probably is also the greatest Brand Strategist.. Do you think he would speak to us in the language so we could understand Him? He could even disguise himself as one of us so to be our friend? Does it sounds like devil I'm talking about now? But He's almighty, if devil could do it, why not him? Which in fact, He probably did, and started first. That is probably why we got so many religions in the world.. Well, but think again, the greatest marketeer is not God, the greatest marketeer or manipulator ( I would call those for their own greed) are the preachers. They have made us believe that whatever we do, I mean whatever we do is a sin. And we deserved to be punished and tortured, or better put it TESTED. He'll also tell us, our faith in him make us stronger. So we believe them, and when we fall, we pray for forgiveness, we pray for no more obstacles, to have some help (invisible help), to be stronger, for next endeavour...But the simplest thing we would tell our children is when you fall, you get up, jump over the rocks and move on...So do we really get stronger as our "faith" grow stronger with us?

The "Strong faith" ones will think that those without religion are lost. But are we having "Strong faith" or are we being "Misled"? How many times have the Holy Books been reprinted & "improvised" (for individuals' comfort)? How many thoughts we have are actually originally ours? If there's God, He made us more superior than other beings by giving us a brain that could think & analyze, did we use it wisely? Or did we actually use it?

Well, do god create man or man created god for their own comfort?